Home to North America's highest peak, as well as moose, caribou and deer, Denali National Park is a place to lose yourself in a landscape little touched by time.


1. 阿拉斯加 迪納利國家公園 (Denali National Park)



2. 伊斯坦堡 (Istanbul)



 Sitting astride the divide between Europe and Asia, Istanbul is surrounded by a region in turmoil. But the city is a joyous reminder that it doesn't have to be that way.


3. 緬甸 蒲甘 (Bagan, Myanmar)

超過 2500 座的神祕佛塔,世界遺忘的角落。


 The capital city of the first Myanmar Kingdom, this enormous Buddhist complex on the Irrawaddy River contains more than 2,500 intricate monuments dating to the 10th century. It's a slip in time to an Asia that no longer exists in many other places.


4. 航行加勒比海 (Sailing the Caribbean)



 Hiring a private sailing yacht in the warm waters of the Caribbean is easier than it sounds, made worthwhile with quiet days on the open sea and stops at islands that can still feel newly discovered.


5. 印度 侯麗節 (Holi festival)



6. 澳洲大堡礁 (Great Barrier Reef, Australia)

數百座熱帶島嶼,以及超過 3000 個珊瑚礁,最驚人的海底世界。


7. 巴黎



8. 京都 (Kyoto, Japan)



9. 芝加哥 (Chicago)



10. Drakensberg, South Africa

南非大排場景觀的代表 Drakensberg (龍山山脈) 震旦走向綿延 1,000 公里,


11. Buenos Aires



 As much a part of Buenos Aires as tango, fine wine and steaks, books are one of the city's most appealing assets. The Argentine capital has more bookstores per capita than any other city in the world.


12. Forbidden City (Beijing)



13. U.S. Highway 1 up the Pacific Coast

全長 147 英哩的加州海岸,怎能不來一場 road trip


14. New Orleans Jazz Fest



15. Wimbledon 網球賽 (London)



 Yes, it's a tennis tournament, but the two weeks a year when the swanky London suburb of Wimbledon draw in the crowds are only partly about sport. The event is also a celebration of old school Britishness that offers ticket holders their own glimpse of a world that's more Downton Abbey than ESPN.


16. Gorilla trekking (Rwanda)

位於非洲中東部的盧安達共和國,雨林深處的火山國家公園 (Volcanoes National Park) 擁有世界上約三分之一的大猩猩。


17. Bali, Indonesia





照片與原文出處 CNN:http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/22/travel/life-changing-trips/index.html




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